2017年7月25日 星期二

日文歌單* Mondo Grosso ラビリンス labyrinth 満島ひかり

一開始無意發現這個MV的時候,覺得封面好像滿島光(根本就是),拍攝地在香港,就馬上點進去。聽完歌之後就深深迷上那種迷幻慵懶的感覺,無論是歌聲還是畫面的光線都很有傳達出那種感覺,並且看著滿島光穿的運動鞋和吊帶褲莫名有種懷舊感。歌名 ラビリンス 就是英文labyrinth,迷宮,拍攝地選在香港鰂魚涌的益昌大廈以及附近的攤檔,攝影師手持錄像機一路跟在滿島光後面,在猶如迷宮的餐廳攤檔以及馬路穿梭,和歌名相呼應。MV裡滿島光的舞蹈很好看,舉手投足,時而帥氣、時而慵懶、時而淘氣、時而灑脫、時而性感。拍攝手法則是一鏡到底,想著拍攝現場一堆工作人員在香港穿梭接受路人的注視就覺得很有趣。我有發現滿島光在十字路口跳舞的時候有一點笑場hhh,大家可以去留意一下。

聽完之後特意搜了Mondo Grosso,發現其實和英國樂隊Clean Bandit很像,樂隊負責寫歌,然後找不同的歌手合作。Mondo Grosso背後的才子是大沢伸一,在日本樂壇活躍多年,與眾多大牌歌手都合作過。

Mondo Grosso
訳者:Junko Otsubo

()つめないで (かな)しい(ほう)
Don't stare in that sad direction

()(めい)って (くち)づけしよう
Close your eyes and let's kiss

A sweet melting melody

It pulls you in

a paradise in a labyrinth

出口(でぐち)もなく ()わりもなく
There's no exit or end

I want to be wrapped inside

Don't interrupt me

the midnight paradise

Without even breathing

Go quite deep

The dance just between us

Don't find me

at the beautiful labyrinth

(くち)づけして もう(もど)れない
A kiss and we can't go back

The dance just between us

Get lost

like the midday sun

(しび)れたまま どちらからも
Both paralysed

not wanting to go home

Don't stop

I want to keep swaying

Without saying a word

Let's kiss

And let me forget everything

Don't stop

I want to keep swaying

Without saying a word

Let's kiss

I fall from the sky

()つめないで (かな)しい(ほう)
Don't stare in that sad direction

()(めい)って (くち)づけしよう
Close your eyes and let's kiss

A sweet melting melody

It pulls you in

a paradise in a labyrinth

出口(でぐち)もなく ()わりもなく
There's no exit or end

I want to be wrapped inside

()つめないで (かな)しい(ほう)
Don't stare in that sad direction

()(めい)って (くち)づけしよう
Close your eyes and let's kiss

A sweet melting melody